Dear colleagues,

I would like to appreciate all you on the successful implementation of public procurements in transparent, fair and accountable ways and timely manner, although it has been only one year since the establishment of our agency.

The Government has set goals to make public procurement more open, transparent, and fair and to expedite procurement processes when established the GPA. In order to achieve these goals, we took several steps, for example served the general public and private sector enterprises with timely manner through one-stop services, organized capacity building trainings and awareness-raising campaigns, improved civil society involvement in the monitoring of tender processes by inclusion of representatives of the general public, non-governmental organizations in tender evaluation committees. Also we have introduced e-procurement system which an epic advancement of Mongolian public procurement.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank the multilateral organizations, government institutions which cooperate and support us, the government officials who are doing their best efforts to successfully implement public procurements and wish you all the best.



Director of Government Procurement Agency